Various Type of Tumpeng Rice

Tumpeng rice is rice which is served with side dishes in a cone shape. The rice used is usually yellow rice, although some use white rice. This rice is usually served on a tampah (round container made of woven bamboo) covered with banana leaves. Most Javanese people serve this rice during feasts or other important celebrations.


Almost all Indonesian people know tumpeng and tumpeng mini jakarta, the philosophy of tumpeng is closely related to the geographical conditions of Indonesia, especially Java, which has many volcanoes. Tumpeng comes from an ancient tradition that glorifies mountains as the dwelling place for gods or ancestral spirits. The rice that is printed in the shape of a cone is meant to imitate the shape of Mount Mahameru which is considered the place of the gods and goddesses.


In the tradition of selametan (thanksgiving) in the traditional Javanese Islamic community, tumpeng is served after the recitation and prayer reading by cutting the top of the tumpeng then given to the person who is most prioritized or respected among those present. This is intended as a form of gratitude for God's blessings that have been given. In modern times, tumpeng also serves as a birthday cake or party celebration.


Some of the side dishes that complement tumpeng rice include cakes, shredded, fried or fried egg, cut cucumber, dry tempeh, serundeng, and many more depending on each taste. There are several types of tumpeng that we can choose for certain events, including:


* Tumpeng Robyong - served during the siraman ceremony at traditional Javanese weddings


* Tumpeng Nujuh Bulan - served at the 7 month pregnant thanksgiving event


* Tumpeng Pungkur - served at the death of a single woman or man


* Tumpeng Putih - served to celebrate sacred events


 * Tumpeng Nasi Kuning - served during thanksgiving events such as birthdays, births or weddings.


* Tumpeng Nasi Uduk - served during the Prophet's Birthday celebration.