5 Types of Tempe that Not Many People Know

Tempe is an authentic Indonesian food that is well known throughout the world for its deliciousness and rich nutrition. Tempe is often used for fried fritters in catering prasmanan. Types of food made from soybeans vary, not only soybeans, but soybeans also have many characteristics and advantages, depending on the raw material.

Soybean tempeh

Soybean tempe is the raw material for orek tempe, a companion to Jakarta's mini tumpeng rice. Soybeans are one of the most famous beans in the world, and are even made in Japan and the Netherlands. This type of bean was fermented with the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus. Each piece is 100 grams, the protein content is 20.8 grams, fiber 1.4 grams, calcium 155 mg, iron and vitamin B1 4 mg.

Tempe Gambus

These beans are made from leftover tofu and are usually more cloudy than soybeans. The texture is soft and fluffy, and it tastes good without seasoning. Not many people like this type of bean eh because of its strong aroma. But don't get me wrong, even though it's made from leftover tofu, this food contains 11.05 grams of carbohydrates, 4.2 grams of fiber, and 12.95 grams of protein!

Tempe Benguk

Bengkuk is a type of legume combined with peas and beans. Shaped like M. pruriens, gray to black. Even though these curved seeds contain cyanide acid poison, by soaking in clean water for 1-2 days, the poison will disappear and can be consumed. The carbohydrate content per 100 grams is very high, around 23.2 grams, calories are 141 kcal, and protein is 10.2 grams.

also read : 5 Sticky Rice Based Indonesian Traditional Snacks

Kecipir Tempe

Kecipir is a type of vegetable that grows vines. Usually it is one of the supporting vegetables in soup dishes or sour dishes. The method of processing these winged bean seeds is the same as soybeans, it's just that its tougher nature takes longer to boil. In every 100 grams of this soybean cut, the calorie content is 405 kcal, 32.80 grams of protein, and 36.50 grams of carbohydrates.

Mung bean Tempe

These highly nutritious beans can also be fermented into bean temp! This protein has 124 mg of protein, 7.6 grams of fiber and is high in protein, which can be the most effective cholesterol-lowering food.

also read : How to Make Chicken Meat More Tender

Cara Membuat Kulit Dadar Gulung Anti Pecah

Kudapan telur dadar identik dengan warna hijau, diisi dengan kelapa muda parut yang dimasak dengan gula merah. Selain sering ditemukan di snack box jakarta, Anda bisa juga membuatnya di rumah, yuk intip resepnya di bawah ini!

Ibarat isian kelapa parut yang hijau dan manis, telur dadar pun menjadi ikon di semua kalangan. Kulit yang lembut dan isian yang lezat menjadikan makanan ini pilihan yang cocok untuk makan keluarga.

Tidak hanya bisa menggunakan isian kelapa muda dan gula merah, Anda juga bisa mengisi telur dadar dengan isian pisang dan coklat bubuk. Penasaran bagaimana cara membuat pancake roll yang lembut dan lengkap? Yuk simak resep Diadona cara membuat telur dadar berikut ini;

Beberapa orang merasa gagal dalam membuat pancake karena kulit yang dibuatnya mudah pecah. Tapi yakinlah, karena Diadona mencakup resep untuk membuat pancake, agar tidak mudah pecah di bawahnya.


-115 gram tepung terigu berprotein tinggi

-10 g bubuk kakao

-20 gram tepung tapioka (simitani)

-1 telur

-300ml air

-1/2 sendok teh garam

-30 gram margarin (lelehkan)

-6 buah pisang, kukus, lalu belah

-100 gram selai cokelat

saus cokelat

Cara membuat telur dadar tanpa rusak:

  1. Ayak dan campur bahan tepung, coklat bubuk, tepung tapioka dan garam. Kemudian masukkan telur ke dalam wadah.
  1. Tuang perlahan ke dalam air sambil terus diaduk rata. Ayak sampai tidak ada gumpalan tepung.
  1. Tuang margarin cair, aduk kembali hingga rata. Panaskan penggorengan berdiameter 20 cm dengan api kecil.
  1. Tuang 1,5 sendok adonan sayur. Tunggu sebentar, lalu angkat. Selagi panas, tambahkan irisan pisang dan saus coklat, lalu lipat seperti amplop. Telur dadar gulung siap disajikan.

Baca juga : 5 Types of Tempe that Not Many People Know

Indonesian people's favorite snacks, fried fritters turns out originated from China

When asked about the snack that Indonesians like the most, the first answer that comes to mind is fried. In fact, fried foods are very delicious, especially when eaten with chili sauce or cayenne pepper. 

This snack is also considered popular because it can be consumed anywhere on various occasions, including at home or in small shops. But, do you know that fried foods are not originally from Indonesia, the cooking technique in oil is well known to the ancient Egyptians. This is revealed in a book published in 2008 entitled History of Food which states that food processing using deep frying techniques has been known since 1,200 BC. This technique then spread throughout the world, including to East Asia.

Fried food entered the archipelago since traders from China came and ran their business here. They brought special foods such as noodles, meatballs, and tofu. Based on a book entitled Peranakan Tionghoa Dalam Kuliner Nusantara 2013, Chinese merchants initially introduced a sauteing technique known as fan chao.

If you look closely, you must know another name for a wok in the form of a wok. This word actually comes from the Cantonese language in China.

Based on Serat Centhini which was made by Keraton Surakarta in 1814, it is stated that the community is familiar with frying techniques. If there is a certain event or ceremony, people will gather to cook together with frying, boiling, steaming, stabbing meat and sautéing vegetables.

Coupled with the introduction of palm oil in the 19th century, it became easier for Indonesians to process food using frying techniques.

The book Indrukken van een totok (1897) written by Justus van Maurik reveals the facts about the types of fried foods sold in Indonesia. Apart from fried rice and fried vegetables, there are already many sellers of fried fish or vischjes wrapped in banana leaves or bladeren.
Now, the fried fritters that are sold in Indonesia are very varied and are adapted to typical Indonesian ingredients. For example, mendoan, tofu petis, spicy tofu, and fried bananas can be easily found on the snack box jakarta or roadside.

also read : Cara Membuat Kulit Dadar Gulung Anti Pecah

Various Type of Tumpeng Rice

Tumpeng rice is rice which is served with side dishes in a cone shape. The rice used is usually yellow rice, although some use white rice. This rice is usually served on a tampah (round container made of woven bamboo) covered with banana leaves. Most Javanese people serve this rice during feasts or other important celebrations.


Almost all Indonesian people know tumpeng and tumpeng mini jakarta, the philosophy of tumpeng is closely related to the geographical conditions of Indonesia, especially Java, which has many volcanoes. Tumpeng comes from an ancient tradition that glorifies mountains as the dwelling place for gods or ancestral spirits. The rice that is printed in the shape of a cone is meant to imitate the shape of Mount Mahameru which is considered the place of the gods and goddesses.


In the tradition of selametan (thanksgiving) in the traditional Javanese Islamic community, tumpeng is served after the recitation and prayer reading by cutting the top of the tumpeng then given to the person who is most prioritized or respected among those present. This is intended as a form of gratitude for God's blessings that have been given. In modern times, tumpeng also serves as a birthday cake or party celebration.




Some of the side dishes that complement tumpeng rice include cakes, shredded, fried or fried egg, cut cucumber, dry tempeh, serundeng, and many more depending on each taste. There are several types of tumpeng that we can choose for certain events, including:


* Tumpeng Robyong - served during the siraman ceremony at traditional Javanese weddings


* Tumpeng Nujuh Bulan - served at the 7 month pregnant thanksgiving event


* Tumpeng Pungkur - served at the death of a single woman or man


* Tumpeng Putih - served to celebrate sacred events


 * Tumpeng Nasi Kuning - served during thanksgiving events such as birthdays, births or weddings.


* Tumpeng Nasi Uduk - served during the Prophet's Birthday celebration.

Various Type of Tumpeng Rice

Tumpeng rice is rice which is served with side dishes in a cone shape. The rice used is usually yellow rice, although some use white rice. This rice is usually served on a tampah (round container made of woven bamboo) covered with banana leaves. Most Javanese people serve this rice during feasts or other important celebrations.


Almost all Indonesian people know tumpeng and tumpeng mini jakarta, the philosophy of tumpeng is closely related to the geographical conditions of Indonesia, especially Java, which has many volcanoes. Tumpeng comes from an ancient tradition that glorifies mountains as the dwelling place for gods or ancestral spirits. The rice that is printed in the shape of a cone is meant to imitate the shape of Mount Mahameru which is considered the place of the gods and goddesses.

 also read : Indonesian people's favorite snacks, fried fritters turns out originated from China

In the tradition of selametan (thanksgiving) in the traditional Javanese Islamic community, tumpeng is served after the recitation and prayer reading by cutting the top of the tumpeng then given to the person who is most prioritized or respected among those present. This is intended as a form of gratitude for God's blessings that have been given. In modern times, tumpeng also serves as a birthday cake or party celebration.




Some of the side dishes that complement tumpeng rice include cakes, shredded, fried or fried egg, cut cucumber, dry tempeh, serundeng, and many more depending on each taste. There are several types of tumpeng that we can choose for certain events, including:


* Tumpeng Robyong - served during the siraman ceremony at traditional Javanese weddings


* Tumpeng Nujuh Bulan - served at the 7 month pregnant thanksgiving event


* Tumpeng Pungkur - served at the death of a single woman or man


* Tumpeng Putih - served to celebrate sacred events


 * Tumpeng Nasi Kuning - served during thanksgiving events such as birthdays, births or weddings.


* Tumpeng Nasi Uduk - served during the Prophet's Birthday celebration.

Menu Favorit Wedding Catering di Jakarta

Catering memang salah satu aspek yang membutuhkan dana terbesar dan bagian paling disukai di pesta pernikahan. Makanya, jangan sampai Anda salah memilih menu makanan karena kalau makanan di katering Anda sesuai lidah dan selera, maka akan membuat pesta pernikahan semakin berkesan. Berikut kami akan memberikan beragam makanan yang paling dicari di pesta pernikahan.

Sate Ayam

Sate ayam dengan bumbu kacang yang memiliki rasa manis dan gurih menjadi salah satu menu yang bisa memanjakan lidah tamu undangan di pesta pernikahan. Tak heran jika makanan satu ini juga termasuk ke dalam makanan terenak di dunia.

Nasi Goreng

Siapa yang tak kenal dan tak suka dengan nasi goreng? Rasanya yang kaya akan rempah membuat para tamu akan rela mengantri demi sepiring nasi goreng.

Mie Goreng

Mungkin ada beberapa orang yang tak memakan nasi, maka mereka bisa memilih mie goreng untuk opsi alternatif. Apalagi jika ditambah telur mata sapi dan kerupuk, dijamin akan membuat Anda yang sedang membaca artikel ini saja akan tergoda.


Ada beragam jenis soto di Indonesia, Soto Betawi, Soto Banjar, Soto Padang dan lain sebagainya. Anda bisa memilih soto mana yang Anda sukai dan memasukkannya ke salah satu menu catering Wedding Anda. Kuahnya yang gurih akan membuat banyak orang berselera memakannya.

Olahan gurame

Hingga saat ini, banyak sekali peminat olahan gurame tepung saus asam manis untuk menjadi salah satu menu utama di pernikahan. Perpaduan sausnya yang asam manis membuat siapa saja bisa menyantapnya, termasuk anak-anak yang belum bisa memakan makanan pedas. Gurame tepung asam manis ini sangat cocok Anda padukan dengan nasi putih panas.

also read : Various Type of Tumpeng Rice

5つの現代的な結婚式のケータリングメニュー (catering wedding)

招待されたゲストが食べ物の味と品質にもっと重点を置いているという事実から、結婚式のパーティーの主催者は、専門的な認定と経験を持つケータリングベンダーを選択する必要があります。Catering Pernikahan 結婚式のケータリングベンダーサービスを探して忙しい方は、味、パフォーマンス、会社の評判の点で品質が保証されているサービスを選択してください。さて、心にふさわしい、適切な結婚式のケータリングベンダーを見つけたら、常にベストセラーである結婚式のケータリングメニューを選択する時が来ました。Catering Wedding

インドネシア人がチャーハンが大好きであることは秘密ではありません。チャーハンを食べるのが好きなのは、チャーハンが白いご飯の代用品と考えられており、他のメニューの準備と一緒に食べるのにも適しているからです。赤チャーハン、茶チャーハンから香港チャーハンまで、タンポンライスの形に加工されたチャーハンはいろいろあります。nasi tumpeng